We understand that having your pet referred can be an anxious time for owners. We have therefore collated some of the questions we frequently get asked in this section, which will hopefully allay some of the concerns you may have prior to or following your appointment at Grove Referrals. If you have any questions which are not answered on this page, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Find out more
If your question is not answered on this page please call the hospital and we will do our best to help you as quickly as possible.
Where is the clinic?
To find out our exact location please visit our Contact Us page.
What time are your consultation appointments?
How do I arrange an appointment?
If your vet has referred you to us then it is because they value our expertise. One of our reception staff will then contact you using the information provided and an appointment can be arranged at a mutually convenient time.
If you have been referred elsewhere, but would like us to see your pet, then just ask your vet for a referral to us, or contact us directly. Call 01328 862137 or email [email protected]
We offer free, no obligation advice for pet owners and can arrange a free teleconsultation to review your pet’s condition so that you can make an informed decision to ensure the best quality of care for your pet. Please use our client self referral form to request a teleconsultation. In order to help us evaluate your pet’s problem please upload any relevant reports, photos and, for lameness cases, videos of your pet walking, trotting and rising from a period of rest are invaluable. Alternatively you can contact us on 01328 862137 and request a call back.
What will happen during the appointment?
During your appointment, we will obtain a detailed history of your pet’s medical background as well as information on the current problem. A thorough clinical examination of your pet will then be performed and any findings and provisional diagnoses will be fully discussed with you at that time. We make every effort to perform investigations and possible surgery during the same visit.
Your pet’s consultation will be on one day with investigations being performed later the same day. Surgery, if considered appropriate, will typically be planned for the following day so your pet can stay with us overnight. After surgery, almost all pets will stay overnight for appropriate pain management and monitoring.
When will my pet have surgery?
Who looks after my pet overnight?
How much is treatment going to cost?
Treatment costs vary widely between different conditions and therefore providing an accurate estimate prior to seeing a patient can be difficult. See our price guide for an estimation of fees for common conditions treated at the Grove. During your consultation, the surgeon will give you an accurate estimate of treatment costs before proceeding.
When do I pay for treatment?
We ask that you pay for any treatment at the time you collect your pet unless a direct insurance claim is being processed.
How do I pay for treatment?
If I have paid the invoice, how do I claim from my insurance company?
Claim forms can be left with us for completion and sending off to the insurance company. Most forms are completed and submitted within 7 days of receiving them.
Will my insurance cover the costs of treatment?
What insurance documents do I need to bring?
Is there any charge for processing insurance claims?
Do you do direct claims?
We will perform direct claims with most insurance companies as long as the policy is confirmed as being active, there are enough insurance funds to cover the costs and that you have all the required paperwork. The insurance companies often need a complete history from your pet prior to covering a claim so please contact your vet to provide this. Our reception staff will help you as much as possible with this process.
Can I find out if the insurance will cover the fees prior to any treatment?
How can I give feedback to Grove Referrals?
All feedback is welcome, as this allows us to continually improve our service. Please email any comments to [email protected] with the subject heading ‘feedback’.