At the Grove, we aim to provide excellent and expert care for patients with dermatological conditions which can affect the skin, coat or nails. Our dedicated veterinary dermatology service combines advanced diagnostics with a collaborative multi-disciplinary approach to deliver the best possible outcomes for the patient.
Dermatological conditions often involve more than just the skin, and for this reason, we collaborate with both the primary veterinary practice as well as colleagues in internal medicine, diagnostic imaging, soft-tissue surgery, orthopaedics and oncology when required. This approach provides an integrated care approach and a holistic approach for both the client and patient.
Patients with a wide range of dermatological disorders can benefit from referral, including:
- Allergic dermatitis (canine and feline)
- Otitis
- Chronic or recurrent otitis
- Otitis media
- Pseudomonas otitis
- Feline ear disease
- Surgical management (in conjunction with soft tissue surgery)
- Pododermatitis and nail disorders
- Bacterial and fungal infections
- Including recurrent and resistant infections
- Parasitic skin disease
- Alopecia & hair follicle disease
- Auto-immune and immune-mediated skin disease
- Endocrinopathies
- Keratinisation disorders
- Anal furunculosis
- Neoplastic skin disease (In conjunction with soft tissue surgery)
- Wound management
Dermatology facilities:
- In-house cytology, skin scrapes and trichography
- Skin biopsy with histopathology interpretation
- Allergen-specific immunotherapy (ASIT) facilitated by PAX-allergy serology bloods
- On-site advanced imaging (CT)
- Ear lavage (with video-otoscopy)
- Myringotomy
- Ear polyp removal
- Total Ear Canal Ablation (TECA) surgery provided by soft-tissue surgery service
- 24-hour hospital facilities.
The approach to dermatological cases involves:
- Prior clinical history including relevant laboratory results being analysed prior to consultation from the primary veterinary surgeon
- Detailed history obtained from the owner
- Initial consultations can range from 60-90 mins
- Thorough general physical examination
- Dermatological examination
- Obtaining samples for analysis (where appropriate)
- Cytology, skin scrapes, and trichography analysed during the appointment
- Skin biopsy
- Certain testing requires external laboratory analysis (bacterial and fungal culture samples, allergy bloods, endocrine testing)
- Differential diagnostic list
- Discussion with the owner regarding case management and treatment plan
- Written discharge summary and treatment plan provided to the owner within 24 hours of appointment
- Written referral letter for referring veterinary surgeon
- Cases are seen at the earliest available opportunity, with urgent cases prioritised.
Many dermatological conditions are chronic and require ongoing management. We provide repeat consultations to ensure continued care and a source of assurance for owners, alongside email and telephone advice.
Referring veterinary surgeons can also request free advice on clinical cases via telephone or email. Email enquiries direct to [email protected] or telephone 01328 862137. We aim to respond as promptly as possible.
The Team

Dr. Adrienne McPartland
RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Small Animal Dermatology